Rai- Lu
Tier 1

Common Region



Rai-lu redirects power to its paws, empowering its next 2 Attacks. When above 50% Health, these Attacks Steal (4*OP) Physical Attack Damage and share them with the Ally with the Highest Attack Speed. When below 50% Health, they Steal 2% Max Health and share with the Lowest % Health Ally.

Rai-lu redirects power to its paws, empowering its next 2 Attacks. When above 50% Health, these Attacks Steal (4*OP) Physical Attack Damage and share them with the Ally with the Highest Attack Speed. When below 50% Health, they Steal 2% Max Health and share with the Lowest % Health Ally.
Common Region


Your team gains additional damage, Fire Units gain more.

Every 3rd Attack, Templar Units deal increased Damage and decrease their Target's Resistances, distributing it to Allies in a Large Area. (30 Hexes).
Your team gains additional damage, Fire Units gain more.
Every 3rd Attack, Templar Units deal increased Damage and decrease their Target's Resistances, distributing it to Allies in a Large Area. (30 Hexes).
Health 1436/2500
Total Damage 110/400
Physical Attack Damage 110/200
Energy Attack Damage 0/200
Attack Speed 95/250
Physical Resist 44/100
Energy Resist 44/100
Attack Range 3/100
Dodge 0/100
Crit Chance 25/100
Crit Amp 150/200
Energy 0/50
Movement Speed 2.35/5
Rai- Lu