Rai- Lee
Tier 1

Common Region



Rai-lee redirects power to its paws, empowering its next 2 Attacks. When above 50% Health, these Attacks Steal (5*OP) Physical Attack Damage and share them with the Ally with the Highest Attack Speed. When below 50% Health, they Steal 3% Max Health and share with the Lowest % Health Ally.

Rai-lee redirects power to its paws, empowering its next 2 Attacks. When above 50% Health, these Attacks Steal (5*OP) Physical Attack Damage and share them with the Ally with the Highest Attack Speed. When below 50% Health, they Steal 3% Max Health and share with the Lowest % Health Ally.
Common Region


Each Shock Unit that is alive on the board calls lightning to strike the lowest Energy Resist Enemy every 4 seconds.

Every 3rd Attack, Templar Units deal increased Damage and decrease their Target's Resistances, distributing it to Allies in a Large Area. (30 Hexes).
Each Shock Unit that is alive on the board calls lightning to strike the lowest Energy Resist Enemy every 4 seconds.
Every 3rd Attack, Templar Units deal increased Damage and decrease their Target's Resistances, distributing it to Allies in a Large Area. (30 Hexes).
Health 1653/2500
Total Damage 128/400
Physical Attack Damage 128/200
Energy Attack Damage 0/200
Attack Speed 90/250
Physical Resist 46/100
Energy Resist 46/100
Attack Range 4/100
Dodge 0/100
Crit Chance 25/100
Crit Amp 150/200
Energy 0/50
Movement Speed 2.45/5
Rai- Lee