Tier 3

Common Region



Slashin harnesses its cold fury, gaining 60% Attack Speed, 15 Attack Range and 60 Physical Attack for 5 seconds. During the effect its Attacks apply Frost.

Slashin harnesses its cold fury, gaining 60% Attack Speed, 15 Attack Range and 60 Physical Attack for 5 seconds. During the effect its Attacks apply Frost.
Common Region


Frost Units apply Blind in a Medium Area 2.5 seconds after Combat Start,
and Frost around themselves every 3 seconds.

Innate: At the start of Combat, Vanguard Units blink to the opposite side of the board.
Vanguard Units gain Crit Chance. On Crit they gain a shield for 5 seconds, On Takedown they enrage, taking less damage and Taunting Enemies for 2 seconds in a Medium Area. (25 Hexes)
Frost Units apply Blind in a Medium Area 2.5 seconds after Combat Start,
and Frost around themselves every 3 seconds.
Innate: At the start of Combat, Vanguard Units blink to the opposite side of the board.
Vanguard Units gain Crit Chance. On Crit they gain a shield for 5 seconds, On Takedown they enrage, taking less damage and Taunting Enemies for 2 seconds in a Medium Area. (25 Hexes)
Health 2140/2500
Total Damage 100/400
Physical Attack Damage 100/200
Energy Attack Damage 0/200
Attack Speed 90/250
Physical Resist 51/100
Energy Resist 61/100
Attack Range 3/100
Dodge 0/100
Crit Chance 25/100
Crit Amp 150/200
Energy 20/110
Movement Speed 2.35/5