Tier 1

Common Region



On Combat Start, Ti'Ru leaves behind its Little One on the nearest tile. On Takedown, Ti'Ru gains 80 Physical Attack Damage for 5 seconds, and grants 20 Energy Attack Damage to the Litte One for the same duration.On Combat Start, the Little One is Untargetable for 15 seconds. On Omega, it grants 10% Attack Speed and 10 Energy to Allies in a Medium Area for 5 seconds.

On Combat Start, Ti'Ru leaves behind its Little One on the nearest tile. On Takedown, Ti'Ru gains 80 Physical Attack Damage for 5 seconds, and grants 20 Energy Attack Damage to the Litte One for the same duration.On Combat Start, the Little One is Untargetable for 15 seconds. On Omega, it grants 10% Attack Speed and 10 Energy to Allies in a Medium Area for 5 seconds.
Common Region


Your team gains additional damage, Fire Units gain more.

Innate: At the start of Combat, Rogues Units blink to the opposite side of the board.
Your team gains additional Crit Chance and Crit Amp, Rogue Units gain more
Your team gains additional damage, Fire Units gain more.
Innate: At the start of Combat, Rogues Units blink to the opposite side of the board.
Your team gains additional Crit Chance and Crit Amp, Rogue Units gain more
Health 1280/2500
Total Damage 104/400
Physical Attack Damage 104/200
Energy Attack Damage 0/200
Attack Speed 100/250
Physical Resist 38/100
Energy Resist 38/100
Attack Range 2/100
Dodge 0/100
Crit Chance 25/100
Crit Amp 150/200
Energy 0/0
Movement Speed 2.5/5