Tier 3

Common Region



Gnarl slams its front claws into the ground, Channelling roots to the 2 furthest Enemies, dealing (350*OP) Energy Damage over 3 seconds and Rooting them. After 3 seconds the roots erupt Knocking Up Enemies in a Medium Area for 1.5 seconds.

Gnarl slams its front claws into the ground, Channelling roots to the 2 furthest Enemies, dealing (350*OP) Energy Damage over 3 seconds and Rooting them. After 3 seconds the roots erupt Knocking Up Enemies in a Medium Area for 1.5 seconds.
Common Region


The first time Verdant Units drop below 60% Health,
they Heal for a percentage of their Max Health over 4 seconds and create a permanent Large Healing Area. (30 Hexes)

Colossus Units gain Max Health and Resistances. 1 second after Combat Start, they Taunt Enemies in a Large Area for 3 seconds. (26 Hexes)
The first time Verdant Units drop below 60% Health,
they Heal for a percentage of their Max Health over 4 seconds and create a permanent Large Healing Area. (30 Hexes)
Colossus Units gain Max Health and Resistances. 1 second after Combat Start, they Taunt Enemies in a Large Area for 3 seconds. (26 Hexes)
Health 2261/2500
Total Damage 112/400
Physical Attack Damage 112/200
Energy Attack Damage 0/200
Attack Speed 60/250
Physical Resist 56/100
Energy Resist 56/100
Attack Range 3/100
Dodge 0/100
Crit Chance 25/100
Crit Amp 150/200
Energy 80/150
Movement Speed 1.35/5